Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanksgiving was a challange but It turned out to be a good day. I spent the day with Adam and his entire family.. He had tons of family come in from Illinios and Ohio... The challenge was that his family didnt know what happened. Adam didnt feel like it was the best time to tell them that we had seperated. I agreed b/c I think it would have ruined some of their thanksgiving.. Especially his grandmothers.. She is such a sweet person and loves Adam very much. I love her ver much. It was really sad b/c she had made us a christmas tree skirt and when I recieved it I had to hold back all of the tears... I just smiled and gave her a hug... Boy that was hard. Here are 2 pictures I took on Thanksgiving...

On Friday the entire family went bowling... That was tons of fun as well... I posted this picture b/c Jennah looks so cute in her pick tales... The bottom picture i posted b/c It shows her 2 bottom teeth (well kinda)..


Amy said...

Loving the pig tails! Lorelai would be so jealous! :) You're a brave little soldier for powering through like you did. Way to go, I'm so proud. By the way, you look fabulous!!

Leza said...

I'm so proud of you Kristy. I hope that your Christmas holidays are a little more relaxing. Stay strong...your life is just getting started....kind of. lol

I'm always praying for you.

Kourtney said...

What a cutie Jennah is! I love the her teethies! Be strong girl, we both will be okay, through all of these messes. Love you!