Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Jennah Growing Up

My baby is growing up so fast.. In the past week or so I have noticed she has been useing her motor skills and is now reaching for things... Here are a few pictures of her in action...

And this one I just thought it was cute of her.. LOL

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Drinks with the girls and my Jennah bug

Last night I went out with girl from work. I had a lot of fun b/c its been awhile since I went out. I didnt stay out too late, I ended up getting tired pretty early.. LOL. So I was home by 12:30. But thats ok, aleast I had some time to hang out and have fun.

Here are some pics from the night

I just wanted to post these pictures b/c I thought they were cute of Little Miss Jennah...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I had a rough afternoon

This afternoon I was getting ready to get my things together to go home from work my my boss called me into her office. She had semi bad news.. Well news she knew that would make me upset. A parent went to the owner on Monday and told her that they feel like I am holding Jennah too much and that they are afraid I am showing favoritism towards her. It did upset me. It upset me for a few different reasons. Ok number 1 is I honestlly do not hold her that much. I feel bad b/c i dont hold her as much as I wish I could. Number 2 is Jennah is my baby.. My 1 and only. Please tell me how I am not going to show any type of favoritism. The parent said that I hold her even when I'm not feeding her.. They come in to pick up their child and I'm just playing with her. Ok so onto number 3, the evenings is my downtime. We only have a few babies so thats the time I can pick her up and play with her. I do the same thing at nap time and I also do the same thing with the other babies. I get down on the floor all of the time and play with them, or I will grab one of the smaller ones and play with them. I wish they can see me with the other kids.. So thats why it bugs me and hurts my feelings. I go the extra mile to please the unpleaseable.. I know I cant please everyone but it hurts my feelings when I dont. B/C I honestly do try. Most of my parents are great but of course you will always run into the ones that arent so great. I dont know.. I'ts just really bugging me. It shouldnt but it is. Its just when they do see me hold her, it is the one of the only times I do hold her. Like today I only changed her diaper once and the other teachers did it the other times and I fed her one bottle and another teacher fed her the other one. But oh well.. I'm done venting for now...

Monday, July 21, 2008

I had a great birthday

So today was my birthday and it ended up being a really good and relaxing day. I asked for the day off a month ago and they were nice enough to give it to me. I decided to take Jennah to day care so I can have some me time... I went to the pool and spent an hour or so there just laying out and listening to my mp3 player. It was peaceful untill some kids came down there.. Thats ok though, it was worth it.. All I had to do is crank up the volume of the mp3 player.. After hanging out by the pool I ran to Clemson with my mother in law. She had to see her co-working who had a heart attack a few weeks ago. We only spent about 45 mins there. I didnt mind it. It must sound bad but it was nice not having to worry about a baby for a little while. Well I say that but I did call the day care like 3 times to check on her.. LOL She ended up having a great day. When I picked her up she was in such a good mood... I was relieved..

So after picking Jennah up I had to run home and give her a bath and meet Adam so we can go to Mauldin City Hall for Adams formal swear in with the department. He swore in infront of the city council and the mayor. So that was fun to see.

Here are some of the pictures I was able to take while he was swearing in. I know they are kinda dark.. Sorry..

After the swear in we went to dinner at Wasabi steakhouse on woodruff rd. Its a new habachi resturant.. The food was very good and our cook was awesome. He was tons of fun and super nice.

Here are some pics from dinner:

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Jennah had 4 month check up the other day and it went very well.. Except my poor baby had to get shots.. :-( The doctor said that she is very healthy and seems to be doing great. He also said that she is tall for her age and she will defenetly be taller than me.. LOL Well we figured that much.. So as of Tuesday the 15th she weighed 14.6lbs.
Last weekend we took Jennah for her first experience at the Greenville zoo.. Granted she's only 4 months old and had no clue what was going on, it was still fun to take her.. We met up with some friends which was nice. Adam's friend Michael who is in the Army was down so it was nice to see him and his family. Even though it was very hot and very crowded we had a good time.
So the update on Adam is that he got the job with Mauldin Police Department. He started with them on July 7th. He probably wont be going to the police academy untill October some time. So for the time being he is doing his feild training.
I am extremely proud of him. He has been working towards this for a very long time and we all knew sooner or later all of that hard work would have paid off. He had applied for a few different departments and finally Mauldin gave him the chance. I honestly think he will enjoy working for the smaller department. Every officer had has been working with says that they are like a big family and they all look after one another. So far he's very happy with it and cant wait to go to the academy so he can be on his own and he can be a true cop. Monday the 21st at 7pm (which is also my bday... lol) he goes in front of the judge and the city council to swear into the department.. He's a tad excited about that.. LOL
Thats all for now... I will post more as it comes...