Sunday, December 14, 2008

Just a short update

I know its been awhile since I posted something.. I have been pretty busy with work and with Jennah...

First of all I would love to say congratulations to Amy, Dan and Lorelai.. I am so happy for them as the Jacob family grows... :-) Best wishes and heres to a smooth and healthy pregnancy.......

Adam graduated the academy on the 5th. I wasnt there to help celebrate but Jennah was. He recieved the JP Strom award which means he was the highest graduate in his class through out the whole state.. For his accomplishments his departement gave him a 2009 Crown Victoria Squat Car and a visa gift card... Put all of the stuff we are going through aside, I am very proud of him.. I couldnt say that enough.

Jennah is doing pretty good.. Her ear surgery was rescheduled to January 9th. It was supposed to be the 4th but something happened with her insurance so we had to reschedule...

Yesterday I decided to dye my hair back to brown.. I love it.. I dont know why i never kept it this way......

Well.... I guess thats all the updates I have for now... And of course I blog wouldnt be a blog without some new pictures.. So here ya go...

The New Hair Color::::